Front Desk & Three Keys by Kelly Yang
Welcome back! This will be my first post in a while, but I just found a blog called Reading Middle Grade that's all about middle grade books and even has author interviews and it inspired me to write again! Here is the website if you want to check it out:
Three Keys is set at the time Prop 187 was passed in California, preventing undocumented immigrant children from accessing hospitals and attending school. When Mia discovers that one of her best friends is undocumented, she realizes that her most powerful tools--her voice and her writing--are not available to everyone in America. To top that, Mia's new teacher does not think her writing is great, and Mia's motel is struggling after they put up an IMMIGRANTS WELCOME sign. As always, however, Mia does not back down in the face of a challenge. Determined to save the motel and not let her friend's education get taken away from her, Mia fights for equality and justice in Three Keys. This book made my blood boil at the ignorance and stupidity of America, and it is my opinion that books that make you furious are really good!
These books explore the theme of what it means to be American, and are based on Kelly Yang's own childhood as an immigrant and the daughter of motel owners. Yang attended college at the age of 13 and graduated from Harvard Law School.
Kelly Yang is coming out with the third book in the series, Room to Dream, on September 21, so after reading these two keep your eyes open for the third! And check out my Upcoming Books post about Room to Dream for more information.
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I read both of these based on your recommendation and loved them! Go Kelly Yang! I can't wait to read Room to Dream! I love Mia Tang.